Prone to Cavities? What You Need to Know
No matter how often you brush, floss and use fluoride rinse on your teeth, you may get cavities. This scenario is real for many people. Despite how well some people care for their teeth, they still get more cavities than those who do not put as much effort into oral hygiene. This is cause for frustration because cavities cause pain and cost money to fix.
Some people simply are more prone to cavities than others, but why is that? If you experience this issue, you are not alone. The following are some reasons that some people are more susceptible to cavities than others.
Poor Diet
The cause of cavities may be your diet. Even if you clean your teeth multiple times each day, your diet can undo a lot of your progress. A diet high in sugary snacks and foods is a problem when it comes to oral health and should be the first thing you look at when seeking a resolution to cavities.
Unless you clean your teeth immediately after consuming sugar, the sugar will sit on the teeth and begin to cause decay. The sugar fuels damaging bacteria, which quickly multiply and erode enamel, the protective layer protecting the teeth from decay.
Items to avoid include soda, candy, juice and foods made with white flour. Instead, eat cruciferous vegetables like celery and carrots, which act as exfoliants to get rid of plaque and bacteria.
Also, consume water on a regular basis. Water acts as a flushing system and rids the mouth of some of the bacteria from sugary foods.
Oral Bacteria
Everyone has oral bacteria. Some people have more aggressive bacteria than others, and these bacteria can intensify issues with sugary foods and beverages. The result is an increased likelihood of cavities due to the breakdown of enamel. Unfortunately, the type of bacteria you’re prone to host is not something you can control without extra care.
If you do not currently brush and floss after each meal and use an antibacterial oral rinse, now is the time to start a regimen. If you are more prone to bacteria, you will have to work harder than others to combat cavities.
Cotton Mouth
Cotton mouth is also known as dry mouth and has an impact on oral health because of its lack of saliva. Saliva is a crucial part of good oral health because it acts as a natural mouth rinse that rids the mouth of sugars, particles of food and bacteria.
A variety of factors contribute to cotton mouth, including chemotherapy, illnesses and some medications. To help combat cotton mouth and prevent cavities, be sure to drink water throughout the day. You can also use a special mouth rinse specifically for cotton mouth to help encourage saliva.
Receding Gums
If you have receding gums, your teeth are more exposed to the bacteria in your mouth. The area not covered by the gum line does not have the protection of enamel and is more vulnerable to cavity formation. Additionally, you have to be more careful when you brush your teeth. If you brush the area too hard, you will cause the gums to recede even further, exacerbating the process.
Natural Grooves
Some people have natural grooves in the teeth. These grooves are the perfect home for bacteria to form and cause cavities because they are more difficult to clean. The grooves are typically closer to the tooth root, so enamel erosion will be more destructive to this sensitive area. Once you learn of the issues with grooves in your teeth, take extra care to ensure you clean the teeth thoroughly.
If you have any questions about the prevalence of cavities, or if you would like to make an appointment, please contact Richard Leong Jr., DDS, PA.